2.1 No Guestbook Spam Anymore
Offers instructions for webmasters for avoiding and eliminating spam in guestbook.
2.2 Spam Links - the anti-spam portal
Spam Links, the anti-spam portal; everything you didn't want to have to know about spam.
2.3 Interview with a link spammer.
Exclusive Sam - let's call our interviewee Sam, it's suitably anonymous - lives in a
three-bedroom semi-detached house in London, drives a vintage Jaguar and runs his own
company. But "it's not not all rock and roll and big money", says Sam. What isn't?
Spamming websites and blogs with text to pump up the search engine rankings of sites
pushing PPC (pills, porn and casinos), that's what. Read more >>>
2.4 Link Spam Detection Based on Mass Estimation
Technical Report, Stanford University, October 31, 2005. PDF document. This is based on a Stanford student's summer internship at Yahoo!
2.5 Link Spam
Link spam is a serious problem for wikis, blogs, and people using search engines.