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Forum - ColdFusion MX?
runger |
2006-10-26 13:13:08 |
Anyone having any success making this work with ColdFusion? |
sj3vans |
2007-02-05 16:36:28 |
Yes. I'm not the best coder but I've got it working for me. I
basically grab the XML response and parse it for a yea or nay.
Its been a while since I installed it so I'm not sure if this is
different from the installation instructions. I replaced any numbers
specific to my install with XXXX's. You get a specific URL when you
generate a Captcha.
My data form has this at the bottom:
<!-- Begin protectwebform.com html code -->
<img id="protectwebform_image"
src="http://www.protectwebform.com/image/XXXX/"> <a
id="protectwebform_link_reload" href="" title="Click here to reload
the image." onclick="return protectwebform_reload_image();"><img
border=0></a> <a id="protectwebform_link_audio"
target="_blank" href="http://www.protectwebform.com/audio/"
title="Listen to the code."><img border=0
<br><input id="protectwebform_textbox" type="text"
style="vertical-align:top;" name="protectwebformcode" value="">
<script language="JavaScript"
<!-- end of protectwebform.com html code -->
That form calls a validation script with checks for valid values in
fields, etc. I added the below test for the Captcha. You use the
validation URL they give you here. I've replaced my acct info with
<cfhttp method="GET" url="#urladdress#" resolveurl="Yes">
<cfif (REFindNoCase('verification result="no"', CFHTTP.FileContent)
neq 0)>
<cfset validation_error = "Yes">
Hope that helps. |
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